Sunday, June 11, 2006


Well, that was a really long streak of headache. I am soo tired of it! But I am feeling better and have been trying to walk 2 miles every morning! 5:30 am is really early though!! We have a neighbor at the end of the road whose horse just had a foal so we get to see the "baby" on our walk and lately a really cool hawk has been sitting on the horse pens post, presumably looking for an early morning mouse breakfast? Very cool sitings! 3 more days of school then summer vacation! Unbelievable! Cam's moving home Thursday, that will be so wonderful. Lily will be home but working full-time at the cafe so probably won't see much of her ): Jasi turned Sweet 16 last week! I want to scrap a page for her. I have really "lost my groove" these past 2 weeks! The one I posted here looks like a futile attempt at trying to be creative again. I don't get why it comes and goes! Fun books I just finished were by Sophie Kinsella called "The Undomestic Goddess" and "Can You Keep a Secret?". Really fun Brit Chick Lit, I kinda shy away from that but these were an exception. Just finished Lisa Gardner's newest "Gone" and it was really good too. Now I get to pick a new book to read! That is so fun, browsing my bookshelves...getting a feel for what mood I am in for. Well, dinner calls first, what a bummer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah more art goodies to gooble up!
I love the colors... Loon Iam so proud of you getting up with the roosters and walking... I wish you lived closer - we could be walking buddies. I am so glad you are listing your books.... Its summertime (well, almost) time for iced tea and some good reading. Loonie lets get together soon...
Love, me. (anonymous)